[EDQM] Remdesivir for system suitability RS

등록일2024. 07. 30
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[EDQM] Remdesivir for system suitability RS

[EDQM] Products

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[EDQM] Remdesivir for system suitability RS


Product Detailed:

Catalogue Code ICRS070010
Name Remdesivir for system suitability RS
Current batch number 1
Control number 1
Unit quantity 0.5 MG
Storage conditions Store the original container at 5°C ± 3°C, protected from light. Re-instate promptly upon receipt
Dispatching conditions Ambient temp.
Availability Available
Instructions for use Before use, allow the closed container to equilibrate at ambient temperature to avoid uptake of moisture. Use “as is”. Do not dry/desiccate before use. Special instructions apply to freeze-dried materials. ICRS are for immediate use. Once the container has been breached, its entire content must be used immediately. Any further storage and re-use are not warranted.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC): The HPLC test was conducted applying the method described for related substances in the monograph for remdesivir using a Hydrosphere C18 column (150 mm x 4.6 mm; 3 µm).
Shipping Shipment at ambient temperature for no controlled and no dangerous

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